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Alpha Kilo Warrior YouTube Videos

A Time lapse segment from KHFD to KDXR (Hartford to Danbury in Connecticut) the 30-minute flight is sped up 500%. I added ATC audio in real time along the way.
Note: The content in this video is not provided for purpose of instruction, only for entertainment.

Video Notes: My approach into Danbury, Runway 35 was poor. My airspeed was too high during my flare and I had way too much energy. I had to abort the landing. Due to a delayed departure and headwinds, I did not have enough time to try again as I had to return the plane before 9:30am. I will attempt this landing again. The next time I will work on a more stable approach with full flaps.

Go to 7B9. 1800’. I did my instrument training there.
We took advantage of the calm early morning conditions in CT to fly over to 42B, Goodspeed, in East Haddam, CT. IT was a 10-minute flight from my Homebase of KHFD. Although I currently hold a PPL and have 150 hours, I asked my CFI instructor to refresh my short field landing techniques. The airplane is a PA-28-161. It has been over 14 years since I landed at this airport. The vide is 18 minutes long and is in real time once we arrived at 42B. I perform 3 full stop landings and takeoffs here.

A dusk landing runway 35, my first into DXR years ago, was a magical experience with mountains on either side on final. In those days, the experience was capped off by a restaurant on the field. One can certainly land short field technique but definitely not necessary. Note that night landings runway 35 is NA for good reason.
A dusk landing runway 35, my first into DXR years ago, was a magical experience with mountains on either side on final. In those days, the experience was capped off by a restaurant on the field. One can certainly land short field technique but definitely not necessary. Note that night landings runway 35 is NA for good reason.
Night landings at 35 - I read that in AFD, and did you know the control tower cannot see planes on base below 1,300' approaching 35 until 1/2 mile final.


Below is a great video about KDXR from the FAA:
I read that in AFD, and did you know the control tower cannot see planes on base below 1,300' approaching 35 until 1/2 mile final.
Not only that, but the corollary is if you are not much much higher than 1300 ft from the south, you cannot see any of the airport environment either. However, there is the exception of visualizing a small sliver including runway 35 when much closer and lined up roughly to that final. If you are so high arriving from the south and CAN see the airport environment, you will most likely be forced to overfly, lose altitude and enter a right or left downwind so as to properly set up for the blind right or left base to final. If unfamiliar, you will sweat out picking up that small sliver of final 35 through that valley and could easily miss it if not on your game. And, as you read, tower cannot see you and cannot help except possibly through other means like Adsb(if not too low).
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I took the warrior up this past Friday morning to do some sight seeing about 3.5 miles Southeast of Hartford-Brainard to a town called Glastonbury, CT. It was in the class Delta, so I had permission to orbit at 1,500'. Its not the "most exciting" video but it was a calm relaxing flight. I invite you to spend a few minutes of your time checking it out. Trying out a new editing feature - I switch between the camera views, each time I spoke on Mic I cut to the internal camera view. Otherwise, the wing camera is shown.

:applaud: This video has chapters to jump to key moments.

Have a great day!


T.O. and Landing #2 pattern at KHFD right traffic Runway 2. Wind Calm.
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Happy May! I dug up some footage when I flew with my CFI 3 weeks ago. Upon returning to KHFD (Hartford, CT), he had me practice a Power off 180. I love doing these. I retarded the power to idle abeam the numbers. Now, my instinct was to turn immediately to the numbers, but I have to realize to maintain Vg 73 knots (best glide speed in the Warrior). I was a little above Vg, as I was trying to manage my aiming point outside the airplane. I waited till about 400' before adding any flaps slowly, 10deg, 25deg then 40deg. I have not tried this solo yet, but I think I could handle this (simulated). This is the 2nd time this year we did this. I love it, it helps build my confidence with the airplane and I think I need to try this by myself. Have any of you done this maneuver during your training?

I woke up to a calm day with not an ounce of turbulence this past Saturday morning. The Piper 151 Warrior was super smooth on this fine day. Here is my longest video to date. It is unedited (timewise) the full 44-minute round trip flight from KHFD HArtford to 4B8 in Plainville, CT. I have chapters set up as I do not expect ppl to sit through all 44 minutes! :LOL: Check out this fine non-towered airport in CT.
Happy May! I dug up some footage when I flew with my CFI 3 weeks ago. Upon returning to KHFD (Hartford, CT), he had me practice a Power off 180. I love doing these. I retarded the power to idle abeam the numbers. Now, my instinct was to turn immediately to the numbers, but I have to realize to maintain Vg 73 knots (best glide speed in the Warrior). I was a little above Vg, as I was trying to manage my aiming point outside the airplane. I waited till about 400' before adding any flaps slowly, 10deg, 25deg then 40deg. I have not tried this solo yet, but I think I could handle this (simulated). This is the 2nd time this year we did this. I love it, it helps build my confidence with the airplane and I think I need to try this by myself. Have any of you done this maneuver during your training?


Here's a tip for doing power-off 180s: we're all familiar with the concept of keeping the runway in the same position in our windshield when on final. Well, it works in the side window, too, if you're doing left traffic. Simply keep the runway in the same place in your side window and keep it in the same place as it slides around into the windshield in front of you.

If you do that, you'll be able to judge your turns without any trouble. Once you get really used to power-off 180s, you'll know how to judge it intuitively but this is neat tip that a CFI in Los Angeles gave me 15 years ago. Also, good for you for working on them. Having a good power-off landing in your back pocket might save your life in some emergency situation in the future.
The following video is part of the 4B8 Flight from last Saturday. YouTube somehow ruined the video footage I uploaded with rubber banding, and it is skipping at the end around the 36-minute mark. I have gone ahead and resubmitted the last 5 minutes of the footage as they don't care about fixing the issue. Here is the approach into Hartford from the West. Its external camera only with ATC audio piped in from the cockpit. I can see the student pilot in following as he turns final for Runway #2.
I would like to thank all those that have watched a few of my videos in the past "Tree" months. In appreciation of your support, I would like to offer: A paid in full Discovery Flight experience, located at Meriden Aviation Center at Markham Airport (KMMK) in Meriden, CT. Please watch the video below for more information.
Salute to all the veterans this Memorial Day weekend. I took to the skies for some traffic pattern work to knock some rust off. I also tried a new GoPro setting to increase the quality of the videos for my channel. Check out this one below. Be sure to watch in max resolution to see the difference.

Inside the Cockpit 60fps at 4K
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Had a beautiful Memorial Day weekend up north in New England. Check out the great flying conditions at 3,500 of a timelapse from Hartford, CT to Worchester, MA. I added some commentary to the view of the GoPro mounted under the left wing of the Cherokee 140.
This week is a double header!
I flew on Saturday over Seymour, CT as requested by a fan/viewer of my channel. Live in CT, MA, NY or RI and want a flyover? Let me know.

Then on Sunday I took a tour of the Connecticut River from Hartford, CT to Old Saybrook, CT. I sped the video up 400% and the 60fps GoPro camera did not let me down. Listen to your favorite Youtuber comment on this flight as an added treat.
Have a Sparkling day!
I received my Complex Endorsement in the Piper Arrow last month and am currently building seat time to get more comfortable with the Avionics and V-speeds. I picked a short hop from Meriden, CT to HArtford, CT to practice. Check out the Sunrise flight 6:40am from last Friday!
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