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IFR Ground School


Solo Cross Country
Nov 18, 2020
Lots of IFR ground school courses out there. Any consensus as to the best one to purchase?
I like Gleim, but many are good.

When I studied for IFR, I used Jeppesen. That was before online courses, in the late 90's. I bought their books and studied on my own. When I was ready, I found an instructor to sign me off to take the written exam and aced it.

When it came to my commercial certificate a couple of years ago I went to them first but they wouldn't reply to e-mails or answer any questions. I still got their instrument/commercial book, but ended up using Gleim to study. I first got a sample lesson from them. They then called and really wanted to have my business. I was happy with their product. At the end, I ended up needing more time between passing the test and taking my checkride. I wanted to keep using their test prep software to prepare for the oral exam. They generously extended my access twice. I was ready to pay, but they gave it to me for free. I aced the written exam and it was helpful for my checkride oral exam.

I do like the Jeppesen book for reference.
I like Gleim and recommend them to my students. Congratulations on your test results. I have always had a hard time watching the King Couple, though their material is good.

Over the years I have amassed a number of courses, some book form, some VHS tapes and some CDs. 0ne of the nice things about the online courses are they are instantly updated when FARs change and can be reviewed in todays world just about everywhere.

If all you want to do is pass the test, the weekend courses still work.

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I used John and Martha for my IR ticket. Some of their material is likely the same that they produced for VHS
>__That said, their style of teaching worked well for me and helped me to internalize the material. I have retained a lot of it to this day.__I've also bought Sporty's training, specifically for the G1000 transition training. I found their style to be thorough, but dry and boring… and I didn't retain it as well on the first watch; it took several times through the course before the material stuck.
Prior to all the internet based ones, you either used books or tapes or disks, depending on the vintage. With the internet based courses, you can work on them anywhere that you have internet access and they are updated in real time for things like changes to FARs etc.

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