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PPL written test prep


Taking Off
Aug 13, 2013
Just wanted to put this out there for any new students. I just passed my written Aug 2nd. I used the Dauntless Aviation app on my phone and on the computer at both home and work and I scored a 90. I spent $30 total to prepare for the test plus $50 for an E6B...no other books or study material. I have a friend, who is a pilot, show me how to use the E6B and he also went over W&B a couple of times. Besides that the Dauntless App got me fully prepared. I studied for 3 weeks and took the test. I hope this helps some of the other new students out there. I didn't spend $600 on books and lessons...just $30!!!

Curious...I'm taking my written on Saturday. FAA no longer publishes the questions, officially, but did you find that many of the questions on the exam were the same/very similar to what was in the test prep?

FWIW, I have the Sporty's videos (I really like watching videos with airplanes and flying anyway, but their weather guy puts me right to sleep) and their app/online test prep. I'm consistently scoring in the 90s on practice exams, so I'm not terribly concerned. Just curious how close my actual exam will parallel my practice.
Captain Sam" said:
Curious...I'm taking my written on Saturday. FAA no longer publishes the questions, officially, but did you find that many of the questions on the exam were the same/very similar to what was in the test prep?

FWIW, I have the Sporty's videos (I really like watching videos with airplanes and flying anyway, but their weather guy puts me right to sleep) and their app/online test prep. I'm consistently scoring in the 90s on practice exams, so I'm not terribly concerned. Just curious how close my actual exam will parallel my practice.

All the weights and balancing graphs were the same. All the flight planning maps were the same. Most of the questions were the same I been studying. I guess there are only so many ways you can ask the same question. After the first 4 or 5 questions I felt totally relaxed because it felt like I was sitting at home taking the Dauntless practice test. I wish I could tell you I knew what Sportys practice test looked like but I never seen any of the other ones.

I was extremely nervous when I got there, I wanted to pass this test! She said she will get me taking the test ASAP so I wouldn't be nervous anymore...I guess she sees and hears the same thing and most people probably walk out when finish like I did laughing about being so nervous.
When I took my written, I had to laugh because 15 of the questions were just three questions being asked 5 different ways and they all had the same answer.
When I took my test it was using a #2 pencil and the guys at the airport keep telling me it was Wilbur that administered the test.
Passed with a 98. If they changed any questions, I couldn't tell. True to form, my CFI was unimpressed and brought me down to earth with "that's 28 points of wasted effort."

Need to squeeze in another hour and change of hood time and then it's the real moment of truth.
and 28 points worth of questions from academic subject areas that the examiner will not feel compelled to probe for weakness. Good job.
KevinMcP" said:
and 28 points worth of questions from academic subject areas that the examiner will not feel compelled to probe for weakness. Good job.

So the examiner will look at the questions missed and test you on them? I didnt know that. Not that it is a big deal, the few I missed were stupid calculation errors.

Yep, they look at your written results and are supposed to cover items you missed (mine did).
My instructor is angling to become a DPE. He said he is usually able to find someone's weak area in 4-5 questions, without even looking at the test report.

I'm not at all sorry I got a 98. Still angry I missed the question I missed, though. I specifically remember drilling on the solution to that question because it wasn't something I remembered well from the Sporty's videos or reading.

The question I missed:

What is the approximate base of the cumulus clouds if the surface air temperature at 1,000 feet MSL is 70 °F and the dewpoint is 48 °F?

First, I botched simple arithmetic in my head by calculating the difference as 32, then converted to Celsius (in my head, which I actually did correctly) which resulted in the answer as 4000. So, I botched the math and overcomplicated it. Smooth!
One hopes that the OP has gotten their private certificate by now. :)
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**Has the switch to unleaded fuel in small airplanes been a smooth transition, or are there unforeseen challenges and hidden costs that pilots are facing? Share your experiences and insights on this significant shift in aviation fuel.**
Are we talking PPL written or an oral for a Master's in Aviation?
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